New Project: Starship: Corridors


Oct 5, 2009
Ontario, CA
I have finished the design on a new project: Modular Starship Corridors. This is the first part of a larger set, which will eventually include basic rooms, level changes as well as context specific room sections such as a bridge, shuttle bay, etc. I also intend to design static elements for the rooms, although I want to focus on the architecture first.

This is probably the fastest I've gone from concept to completed and textured design. I initially conceived this a little more than a week ago. While I have yet to do the .pdo layouts (and indeed, build a prototype), I am essentially done the 'hard' part, the design.

The intent of this set is to provide a modularized set of three-dimensional corridors for use in miniature gaming. While the design is set to 1:50 scale (each of the shown squares is 1 meter to scale (2 cm printed), the corridors are designed to accommodate most 35 mm gaming figurines. I have tried to keep all of the individual elements simple, for ease of building, while yet retaining a non-boxy look and feel to the layout.

I hope to have this ready and up for sale within the week. As an experiment, I will be offering this for less than all of my other kits, at $2 CDN.





Some close-ups:

Wide Corridor Door: Closed

Wide Corridor Door: Open

Narrow Corridor Elements.

Wide Corridor Elements

I repeat, Tirick, your site is "hacked by Hmei7"

Nice work with the starship interiors...
Perhaps you could make second version where this corridors are derelic, rusty?
Thank you for letting me know lehcyfer. It must have happened in the last week. My 'site' is intact, although my registrar account appears to have been hacked as the sites are now 'registered' with a different registrar. I am investigating how I can get this reversed.

I honestly feel like either crying or breaking something. I cannot believe the kind of trolls that wander the net doing crap like this.


Update: Thankfully the site hack was limited to the Wordpress DB and seems to have been a global hack, not a directed one; I can't find the source of the redirect however, so I've removed the WP install. I'm going to have to play around with CMS softwares and see if I can find one that suits as a replacement. For now I have one up that at least directs to the store section of the site (which was not effected).
Sorry about the troubles at your website, people seem to hate to see someone doing great, I guess, I don't know what motivates "Hackers", but you have an awesome site! :)
Strangely, I'm waiting for that one too... damn muse is fickle.

The Pepakura layouts are all complete now, all that remains are instructions, which, while not hefty on the text, will still require some work. Release is on track to be ready within the week.

I needed to make a few more sections than anticipated, but here are some shots of the parts available in the set, as well as a sample layout:




This set is now up in the store. As noted above, I've set the price lower than typical, at $2 CDN. but don't let that deter you. There are 22 unique elements to the set, which can be mixed and matched to create countless layouts. The download is quite large, a little less than 100 megs, this is unfortunately due to the terrible compression on the .pdo format.

My site can be found in my signature, or you can also click here.

Thank you!