New challenges start on April 1

I saw the official thread, two months to June first. Hummm, can I pull it off!? I'm edging on entering now, but I have to get some info togeather first, to see if I can pull it off.

As for now, I'm in, if I can afford it, and get everything I need.
Dear EZ days and all,

Is here ANY chance I can enter a freelance? I've got this school and storefront I'm gonna bash into something else...

Or maybe there'd be interest in a third catagory.

How bout I finissh my bash, then find a photo ha looks like it?
Hey Don, can ya add me to the Kitbuild Challange list? I am going to enter after all and build the Walthers N Coke Oven & Quencher. Just placed my order with Mike at Fifer Hobby and I should get it by the end of April or Early May due to the Rolling Mills that I also ordered are on there way to his shop :D :D :D

BTW, here is the New Thread I started in the Kitbuild Challenge/Scratch Building forum
ez days

count me in for challange #1 also when dose it end
It was suppose to end on June 1st, but we've had problems here with the changes all last week, and we're still not completely squared away on images, I'm thinking about extending the contest until the end of June. There's just far too much going on right now and we're not finished yet.

I would like opinions on extending these two challenges until the end of June rather than the first of June. In favor, not in favor, don't care? Say so...
I'm 'bout done with mine so.... I guess that's a vote for - don't care.
Actually, I guess we would like as many people as possible to have a chance to complete the challenge so I wish to change my - don't care - to - in favor.
I think I'll be done with my scratchbuild by June 1, but I'm all in favor of extending the deadline. With the server switchover, and summer stuff going on, it seems like it would be best to allow as many people as possible the chance to complete their projects. Plus, it's supposed to be fun... firm deadlines remind me of taxes.:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil: