My new Free-MOn30 Module.

That looks cool! Is that a 6' module?


It's 5' long.

With Free-Mo, you don't have to build 2'x4' "Dominoes", and/or anything that is in 2' increments...

Those unsociable building blocks for making a fortress for the trainboys to hide in....

Operations are point to point or use "Balloon" loops on the ends to turn the trains around.

announce1 No more tail-chasers! announce1

Take a look at the Free-Mo website for more information:

Our local group of moduleers opted for a narrow 12" wide interface plate.

Two of us live in condos and one lives on a sailboat. We don't have room for more than a shelf layout, so we wanted to keep the modules narrow enough to pull double duty for home and for module meets.

One of our members has room for a basement empire. He built one of his module sets so that it is 12" wide at the interface, but it widens to 24" for most of its length and tapers back to 12" at the other end to match up.
Cool. I was familiar with various schemes for narrow gauge modular layouts (mostly HOn3 & On3)...but wasn't familiar with On30 modules. (which I'm sure are actually more popular than my beloved On3).

Is your module the splitter for a reverse loop, our just a normal junction of a couple lines?
A switchback? Now that is what I call cool!

Here are a couple of my favorite switchbacks of all time...

There's a covered turntable there too.

:wave: Hi I just now got around to this part of the forum and I like the concept of Free-MOn30:thumb:

I am a diehard S-gauger with a serious O gauge habit, who has one On30 train set. Not sure if any other On30 people around my area but it sounds like fun.:cool:
:wave: Hi I just now got around to this part of the forum and I like the concept of Free-MOn30:thumb:

I am a diehard S-gauger with a serious O gauge habit, who has one On30 train set. Not sure if any other On30 people around my area but it sounds like fun.:cool:

Hi CSXect,

Are you an S-Gauger or S-Scaler? Tin Plate with Rock-'em Sock-'em couplers or are you doing two rail?

There is an S-Scale group here that is doing Free-Mo modules that you might be interested in:
The S-Scale Workshop

They have a Yahoo! Group:
Free-moS : Free-moS

There are new On30 module groups sprouting up all over the place. Some are Free-Mo style and others are more like N-Trak/NMRA in the way the modules look. But in both cases, the layout are set-up for point-to-point operations instead of the old tail-chasers....

You might be able to find a local group here:
Yahoo! Groups : Search Results
I guess I am a Hirailer I have both tinplate trains and some scale models(with hirail wheels) as for O gauge its 3-rail:shock:

American flyer is probably my favorite trains.

I like the narrow gauge equipment lately it seems to have a rustic look to them:thumb: I have a Bachmann set from Hawthorn??? It is red white and blue(not prototypical but neat) Who all has On30 track(don't like the look of Bachmanns ho/On30 track)I am currently working on a multi gauge layout(tail chaser) with G, O72, S, HO/On30, and O31 loops hope to begin construction this spring:mrgreen:
Originally Posted by CSXect
:wave: Hi I just now got around to this part of the forum and I like the concept of Free-MOn30:thumb:

I am a diehard S-gauger with a serious O gauge habit, who has one On30 train set. Not sure if any other On30 people around my area but it sounds like fun.:cool:

Hi CSXect,

Are you an S-Gauger or S-Scaler? Tin Plate with Rock-'em Sock-'em couplers or are you doing two rail?

There is an S-Scale group here that is doing Free-Mo modules that you might be interested in:
The S-Scale Workshop

They have a Yahoo! Group:
Free-moS : Free-moS

There are new On30 module groups sprouting up all over the place. Some are Free-Mo style and others are more like N-Trak/NMRA in the way the modules look. But in both cases, the layout are set-up for point-to-point operations instead of the old tail-chasers....

Don't let me hijack your thread here, amigo, but just as I have decided to give up on building an S scale layout and stick to HO, along comes this reference to S scale Free-Mo >ack!<.

I, too, have some On30 equipment [also]. No place to run it, but I just love these BIG trains! {I also have some O scale 2-rail equipment. I know, I'm just a train junkie!}

But back to a question about the actual topic of this thread: Is there any "ready to use" track that's compatible with the Free-MOn30 standards, or do I have to hand lay all my track >double ack!<

I'd really like to pursue all these interest ... all I need is unlimited time and money :cry:
Hi Riverotter and CSXect,

sign1 Go ahead, I don't mind being hijacked sign1

I think the term is "Rubber-Gauger" when you have so many different trains.

I'm a "Rubber-Gauger" too. HO, Sn42, On30 and Hn42.

Yes, there are two different RTR tracks available for On30 that can be used on modules.

Peco makes On30/O-16.5 track and turnouts. They are a British company and the ties are a little chunkier because of the O-16.5 [7mm] scale. The rail is code 100. There's 3-foot flex-track, LH and RH turnouts and a wye available online or through your local hobby shop.

The Peco turnouts are radius type. The frog number is ~5-1/2 with 24-inch radius curve. The wyes are 36-inch radius curve.

The other track is made by Micro Engineering [ME]. They have American O-Scale [1/4"] detail and come with code 100, code 83 and code 70 rail on the flex track. The turnouts use code 83 rail. Also LH, RH and wye, but they are numbered frogs [#5] with straight diverging tracks.

Most of the guys in the 'States use the Peco track.

The group that I am in is hand laying the track and we have mixed code 83 and code 100 rail and use transition joiners between them...

Either code 100 or code 83 rail can be used, but your local group may have a preference.

We all want deeper pockets and more time. :mrgreen:

Follow the links in my earlier post and you might be able to find a group close to home.
Frame-up and farm-out!

Hey Kids,

The Upper Canada & Algonquin Railway is planning a major expansion.

This weekend, we are having a Maintenance of Way work session in preparation for the Third Annual Ontario Narrow Gauge Show in Schomberg on April 12, 2008:
Narrow Gauge Show 2008
We plan to cut a batch of interface plates to have them available to
folks who are interested in building some Free-MOn30 modules:
Free-MOn30 St@nd@rds

We are also going to have some Anderson PowerPole electrical connectors available:
30 Amp Red/Black Anderson Powerpole Sets

We may also frame up a couple of basic link modules and have them available if anyone is interested.

A Frame-up is a basic link module that is ready to receive track and scenery.

Please indicate your interest so that we can prepare something for you.

The price [not yet determined] will be to cover materials, plus a small deposit.

The deposit will be refunded if you bring a scenic'd and operational module to the CARM Convention Train Show:
Canadian Association of Railway Modellers