My Daughter Started Her Paper Action Doll Blog


It's great to know that a new generation of papercraft artists is on its way, so-to-speak. This is a very interesting approach to make the figures. I'm looking forward to the results. So far it looks really great! :)

I wish her the best of luck with her projects and her blog.

Have fun and enjoy! :)

As long as it's not for profit, you should add it to your signature. Nice looking webpage, and technique. :)
Dropped by and added my own comments and started a follow.. will keep watching..nice of you to share with us, or I might not have ever seen this! Nice twist of card model and paper mache that others could use around here!
Bumping this thread. This site is one I had forgotten about that I found on her blog:

Great Site!! :)
Wow, what I normally see done with clay... Beautiful work thus far.

By far, the best line I picked up reading the blog today...

"Now, for sculpting material, I use the finest quality restaurant napkins you can snag. Starbucks, or Dunkin donuts, depending on where I went that day."
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