Looking for a 1/24 Apollo and Soyuz...


Mar 22, 2020
I have built 1/24 Mercury and Gemini capsules and would like to build a full Apollo capsule and service pack, along with a full Soyuz capsule. Are there downloads available of these. I know about the Ken West Apollo capsule , but I want the whole ship. Neither model needs to have interior detail as these are just for hanging up display. I also wouldn't mind a 1/24 scale LEM to attach to the Apollo .

If not 1/24 scale, can someone recommend other quality kits in another scale that would be good for scaling up?

Thanks in advance!
We have what you are looking for in the download section, however you have to have a post count of 10 and be a member for a certain amount of time.... don't remember right off how long that is though. You can find that info in the forum rules.
Also, the files are in 1/32 scale, but can be printed in any scale you want by adjusting the print size.
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This is your first post, read through the posts, and offer you support, ipions, real posts, 9 more to go on that, and after 30 days of from your first post you will be able to download any model we have here. If you run into a problem after the 30th day, send me a P.M. (Private Message). :)
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