knitting needle scribe tool


Nov 18, 2007
Here's the scribing tool I made. I started using a small knitting needle I bought from Walmart. They came in a pack of six. The small needle cramped my hands so I made a handle.

The handle is from two blocks of 1/2" poplar. I cut a channel in each large enough to hold the needle, then epoxy glued the parts together. I adjusted the depth of one side of the tool to fit my hand, i.e. depth of needle in handle. The other side is longer and I use it for curving paper.

Once the epoxy was cured, I sanded the handle to fit my hand and to position it for scribing. My hand can last quite a bit longer before cramping sets in and a quick flex gets me right back at it.

Wood carvers prefer to make their own handles for their tools and are a great source for info on this type of job. None of my carving knives have round handles to keep them from rolling off the table and embedding in my foot. Because of this habit I don't make round handles for any tools.

Hope this helps.



Being a former Tool and Dye maker, all around machinists, I can appreciate the need and desire to make ones own tools. They tend to last longer too! You scribing tool has a very ergonomic look to it. :)
You can see the beginning of my scratchbuilt AH-1W Super Cobra in the background. Scratchbuilding in wood is my main passion but I am now branching to paper and glad that I did. I am finding all kinds of great stuff that paper scratchbuilders do.

The combination of the two could lead to incredible models. You can have the detailing of paper, with the ability to make compound curves out of wood, i.e. nose cones, radar, electronics bulges, wheels, the list goes on! I think helicopter models would benefit a lot from that. There are some incredible helicopter models out there. I worked at Sikorsky Aircraft for almost 10 years, the models are awesome in their detail. Please, post some pics of your wooden models, I know we would enjoy seeing your work. :)