Just turned 60

I miss Babylon 5, never on any of our stations anymore.

I do not understand how stations can go "Off Air" when they could be showing Babylon 5". Also, t never ceases to amaze me the tripe they throw in instead of shows like "Babylon 5" and a few others.
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Last time B5 aired in Germany (about three years ago) I recorded all episodes on DVD for binge-watching. Still had no time for it but I am looking forward to it. When the show premiered I missed one episode of season 4 (yaknow, the season in which every episode told so much like other shows would tell in a whole season). It took me six weeks to catch up with the events! :)
All true, but Zathros only eat insects covered with chocolate. It was Zathras who eat them as they wore, the previous Zathros liked them fried. :)

Possibly one of my favorite scenes, as all the scenes with all those Zathros, Zathras, family were. Zathros still talk to walls and people on video screen. :)

Glad I could bring back a good memory...

Keep turning the machine...now called Zealot...
Glad I could bring back a good memory...

Keep turning the machine...now called Zealot...

With people like you around here, it does make it something I do enjoy doing. We have one of the best, if not THE best membership of any forum I have ever belonged to. The members ave made this forum "The Great Machine", and I am just happy that at a time when it was going to be lost, I got to jump in, and then with Rhaven right alongside, we put this forum back together. We built it, and they came. Revelle-Fan's contribution was the frosting on the cake. Gandolf and subnuke, spaceagent9, all joined and their help has been instrumental. The amount of managing this ins and outs of this forum that Rhaven does is immeasurable. I almost hesitate to say that because maybe they'll start attacking him! The amount that I delegate is incredible, and these guys just do it, and happily. I know when I have to stop doing this, this forum will continue in the same spirit, and is in great hands.

I also have to mention Sanjay. He has put so much of his personal money into this forum, which does not pay for itself. I don't want to say how much that hack cost, but I could have purchased a small property in my town, with a house on it, for what he spent, and I live in an expensive small Connecticut town. We also have one of the most generous photo uploading policies of any forum I have known. Yes, occasionally we have to add more memory, but this forum sits on private servers, not "Go-Daddy" or some other forum, where if you miss a month's payment, it all deleted. They belong to Sanjay, that actually makes a big difference.

We do have a good deal going here. I hope it can last as long as possible. :)