First build - another nephilim!


New Member
Jan 4, 2014

Just started 40k papercraft and thought Id also do a build of newobmij's lovely nephilim! I don't collect Dark Angels but love that dinky little model.

I would post pics but my upload keeps failing :( (and the jpg is below the min sizes). Any ideas?
Currently the site is experiencing some technical problems that are currently being worked on.
Not only that, but the forum will be migrated to a new platform very soon.
Please read this thread:

If you have these photos uploaded on another site, you can still post them by using the "Insert Image" button.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me and I will do what I can to help you.
Ah cool! Thanks for letting me know despite my not searching the forum for answers...

I'll wait until the new forum is up and post then
Yaay - now the lovely new site is up I can post the pics of my first build.


There print quality let it down a bit but overall Im very pleased how it came out. I made extra effort to strengthen it with cardfoam/card and black lined the edges which seems really important in lifting the end result. I also used plastic tubes for some small round bits like the gun barrels.
Also - build notes. I found the build fairly easy to figure out - there were no instructions but looking at newobmij's finished models it was all fairly obvious as he's sensibly grouped related parts together. The one part I couldn't figure out was this.


But newobmij kindly explained that it goes around the base of the machine gun (forget the proper name) barrel - so I thought Id mention that incase anyone else couldnt figure it out.