Empire Express Trackplanning Program


Mack CH613 & 53' Trailer
Apr 14, 2006
Rancho Santa Margarita, Cali.
I just bought the Empire Express Trackplanning Program for Mac's. Im exited to use this program, i tried the demo out and liked it. My liking of the demo along with Shaun (nolatron)'s advise, comments, and examples of his track plans have made the final decision to buy the program. It wasnt to expensive, $34.95....

Do any of you other guys use this program? How do you guys like it?

im exited to start making some track plans with the proram, especially for the M&ET i want to model.... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I'm planning/drawing my segments with Railmodeller.
It's the only railplanning software for Mac that i know, until now.
I will try the Empire Express Software.

I used the RailModeller Software as well. I downloaded them both at the same time. I decided to go with EE just because i liked the way the flex track tool works and the fact that the tracks are just simple lines. It just makes everything more clear and makes it feel like a magazine artilce trackplan like out of MR or something :mrgreen: Its also a lot easyer to follow