E.V. Maupin Mfg. (N Scale)


Active Member
Jan 28, 2001
Thought I'd post some pictures of one of my earlier kit-bashes, to show how some simple alterations can turn a rather generic kit into something unique to your layout.
This structure started out as one of thoses DPM factories...(I think it was called Gripps Luggage, or something like that...?)
The building was going along the backdrop, so that enabled me to double its length, since it didn't need a "back".
There was a seam showing where I joined the 2 wall sections together, so I glued a piece of sprue there, to look like a pipe going down the wall.
I thought the shorter roof needed something, so I fashioned the corrugated structure from part of a Walthers coal mine kit.
The clerestory on the taller section was made from pieces of a Model Power farmhouse.
All of the roofs were made from Evergreen sheet styrene, & siding.
I also added some pipes, & chimneys, & boarded up some of the windows to give the place some character.


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Another thing I like to do, is to hint at activity inside a structure...
On the DPM kit, the doors, & windows are molded in, so with the help of a drill, & file, I "opened" a couple of the doors, & built a partial interior out of scrap styrene, painted black.
Then I add a figure, or two...some barrels, etc...


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I love those buildings, Charlie! That was a clever trick with the pipe/sprue. I would have never known about the seam if you hadn't said something about it!

One of the things that really impresses me is how you take these kits and dress them up to seem so natural on their facing sides. It's really amazing the sense of depth you're getting out of such a small space...