Dustbin Motorcycle with Fairing


Staff member
Apr 5, 2013
This model is a nice example of vintage Dustbin motorcycles with a large fairing. Small displacement bikes could achieve very high hitherto unreachable speeds. An interesting part of motorcycle history, they made side winds very dangerous to motorcycle, so were rarely used on general purpose motorcycles. Neat model! :)

Resource Link= https://www.zealot.com/resources/dustbin-motorcycle.2336/
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Dustbin motorcycles were around for decades. They were what evolved into the modern day full fairing motorcycle. The pics below are just a couple off of the 100's on the internet, the ZZR1200 is my bike, and shows one of the final evolution example, as the Kawasaki ZZR1200 is the fastest normally aspirated (non fuel injected) motorcycle ever made, with speeds up to 186 mph., and a fairing design with Ram Air Induction which puts a bubble of air around you, and slices through the air, without the side wind problems. ;)


My ZZR1200 (I love this bike)
ZZR1200 Kawasaki.jpg
Thanks for uploading this John, I grabbed it to try when I get my skills up.
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