Connected figure 8 layout operations question

I'm not exactly sure what you might be looking for here YmeBP. Are you planning on running more than one train, having one wait at the crossing as the other goes by...that sort of thing?
Ralph said:
I'm not exactly sure what you might be looking for here YmeBP. Are you planning on running more than one train, having one wait at the crossing as the other goes by...that sort of thing?
I cheated and posted in 2 forums this first post started out as a request for help w/ my track plan but turned ino this question so i figured i'd post int eh appropriate forum, but if you look here: you can see a set of photos of what i've done. There are ALLLOT of photo's so if you are on dialup be ready for a wait :0.

single trian operation in the reversing sections. on the entire layout i have it blocked for 2 trains and actually thinking of adding 2 more blocks so i can control speed independently on disparate halves of the layout.