Complete collection of ships from EVE Online


New Member
Feb 18, 2009
i have recently acquired an almost complete collection of ships from EVE Online and was wondering if anyone would be interested in converting them to paper. i have converted most of the textures to BMP files but have kept the original DDS files with its corresponding ship. There are a lot of them that would be near impossible at a reasonable scale. I have played around with some of the smaller ships such as the shuttles and fighters with decent results. The carriers and battleships could be doable but would have to be huge to include all the detail.
How long can you wait? I've got a lot of things going on, besides moving to a new place... :cry: Truth is, I don't know how to do it yet, but would love to find out. I'm working my way through the world of digital modeling...
Not much of a gamer, but any cool Sci-Fi ships interests me. I found this REALLY BIG picture.

Oh my goodness... I didn't even realise that wallpaper was still bopping around all these years later :D

While I didn't compile the images, I used photoshop on the original for the label work and rearranged some of the ships to be more "font accessible" for that particular wallpaper years and years ago :D

Back when I sported the screen name Vivus Mors in-game...

Glad to see it's still about...

It is a bit dated however as many more ships, such as the third battleships and the like had been added long after that wallpaper was made...

Now if someone were to make some sweet paper models of those ships I'd be that much more elated.