Announcement: The Gauge welcomes Catt! as our newest mod.

The Gauge

New Member
Dec 14, 2000
Catt! takes over as moderator of the N / Z Scale forum. Catt! is promising $10 too charity, for every new post in his forum.

Welcome aboard Catt!
See you in the mods forum.
The Gauge
WAAAAA HOOOOOOO!!!! Welcome aboard Catt!!!

-- N Gauger
That offer is of course to my favorite charity. The society for prevention of cruelty to the Catt!

Glad to be onboard !

The Gauge ROCKS!! <

[This message has been edited by Catt! (edited 12-28-2000).]
Sounds like a worthy charity to me, Catt.

Welcome to your own little corner of The Gauge.

I'm primarily interested in HO, but I read them all. Much information applies to all gauges.
$10.00 HMMMMM Hope some of this goes to the interchange between the GVR and the MAT
Now we will have everyone curious Catt.
Congatulations on your appointment to mod this forum

free lancer