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  1. reddwarf

    New builds

  2. reddwarf

    Build 2

  3. reddwarf

    VT-3 Pinzgauer

    (Part 3) I also change the name plates to a Federation marking and my grandsons name. Added to the engines, but the colour isn't quite right.. Now my next dilemma is what to start next. I'm doing a couple of smaller Genet models for now, my just starting to get around grandson is coming so I...
  4. reddwarf

    VT-3 Pinzgauer

    (Part 2) ASs you can see I tried to make cargo bay as 3D as possible, some of the pipe work was fun.
  5. reddwarf

    VT-3 Pinzgauer

    (Part 1)This build was a bit more intricate, any thing I could find was greebled, strengthen. Some of the interior was fiddly both worth it in the end. I made the front steps and cargo bay entrance removable. Total greeble of the cargo bay, tried lighting but wasn't happy with that, will have to...
  6. reddwarf

    Trilateral Union Reaver

    Another simple build, same principle cut, strengthen, greeble.
  7. reddwarf

    Build 2

    Part 3 Enterprise shuttle bay
  8. reddwarf

    Build 2

    Part 2
  9. reddwarf

    Build 2

    This was an interesting build with my large hands, had to make some parts many times. All was srenthened as I went. If I sound a bit lost I'm trying to watch NASCAR as well. And again it seems Ive lost a lot of my build photos somewhere on my harddrive.
  10. reddwarf

    New builds

    Been away for a while, realised I hadn't put up any of my builds, so here goes. Most are small models from Genet Models. A (T/A-133 Gyrfalcon) As you can see I cut, mark the fold lines for adding stronger card, folding, gluing and greebling. Seems I have lost the rest AGAIN.
  11. reddwarf

    Galileo Shuttlecraft from Star Trek

    Hello, How did you re-do the stripes, I have re-painted as close to yours (which looks great I might add) but I'm stuck on the red line and yellow piece. What font did you use. Thanks
  12. reddwarf

    Perrys USS Shuttlebay

    Thanks Will upload when finnished
  13. reddwarf

    Perrys USS Shuttlebay

    Hi, I need a little help. Which one of the crew would be nearest size. Its a bit blurry but youll get the gist.
  14. reddwarf

    The Rodger Young

    Thankyou, pity I lost so many of the pictures. Will take more care next time.
  15. reddwarf

    The Rodger Young

    Tahts it. I'm not sure whats going on the pictures just wont upload properly. Good time to remind people to back up required photos, as I did not and have lost over half.
  16. reddwarf

    The Rodger Young

    I actually did a lot of work on strength and keeping it all straight, (no photos to show). I then found online picts to make engines right.
  17. reddwarf

    The Rodger Young

    My computer just glit ched and I have lost half the pictures I was going to upload
  18. reddwarf

    The Rodger Young

    Now there here. OK keep going. This page keeps going grey and I then have to find my post again.
  19. reddwarf

    The Rodger Young

    WOW the screen flickered and I lost the last 5 posts. Will come back later, when I work out why the pictures aren't loading properly
  20. reddwarf

    The Rodger Young

    On the central area I made my own girders to strengthen. And cut out landing bays, added a little extra.