Project Dropship 1:24 / Aliens

I cant back i t up, because there is rear entering hatch. (where Ripley climbed with Newt on the stairs when escaped from the platform in Atmosphere processor). And this space is not opened from the bottom side, so you can not get the APC there...(when the dropship si open):arghh:

the front situation with the turret is tricky. because there is really small amount of the front section under the engines intakes ....For this I need the APC modelo_O, so the solving of this problem is stopped right now..:stop:
I cannot helped myself and and began to work at the APC bay.:hungry:

The middle section


complete with tailo_O


the tiny ribs in the bay


and "work in progress" mess o_O


...little holes in the ribs (this will be optional)...making holes is a pain :dead:


front section...that was hard as think about the angel of the front bevel...there was serious chance to open a hole trough the hull :D


and overall view...;)


at the end..something from the movie to think about...:cool:

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APC research has began :rolleyes:

First thing I´ve noticed was the clearance height of the APC. All over the internet are the APCs allmost offroads.
Here is the question of functional - optional height of Aliens APC and it´s imaginary terrain passability. Anyway,
there is Colonial Marine Technical Manual drawing( Again:rolleyes:) exist and lots of people take it as a fact.
That´s why allmost every internet apc is terrain version (no offence:))

Movie version APC is low profile vehicle. (fits better into our Dropship) ;)
The difference between those two states is 12cm in real life...a I´ve calcuclated. That is 0.5cm in our model...that´s a negligible number.
A guy call himself Hydride Ion done serious research and created really nice thechnical drawing that confirm most movie props.


I wanted to go deeper and confirm Hydride Ion´s predictions about the shape and clearance height..and here it is:


1) APC taken directly from USCM TM and lowered in clearance height.

2) Hydride Ion´s blueprint shows few differences (profile contour is bit different and rear whell fender is higher than in USCM technical manual art)

3) Photo of 1:1 movie prop (de-perspective-ised) shows that Hydride Ions technical blueprint is right.

4) All layers visible ´=> show the way how to create te APC.:eek:;) prop and Hydrid Ions way

...research continues...
Is it possible that the APC would have an adjustable ride height? A lower position for the drop ship, and then it could be switched to a higher clearance for operations?
Is it possible that the APC would have an adjustable ride height? A lower position for the drop ship, and then it could be switched to a higher clearance for operations?

More than possible ...

Ground clearance is normally only 22 cm, but the vehicle employs a hydro-pneumatic, fully active suspension to allow a clean ride over rough terrain. The suspension is capable of boosting clearance by a full 30 cm and allows the M577 to comfortably tackle vertical obstacles up to 0.5 m

I think, to solve the issue of the APC not fitting into the Dropship when both are "correct" and to scale, you have to remember that neither was technically built as a fully working model - they existed as props which worked to an extent, but not operationally. We know for sure that you can't get 13 troops plus crew into the APC and so liberties were taken with the filming of the interior done in a set far larger than the actual interior space of the vehicle they built. Likewise the dropship. Differences between scale of props and sets means it's next to impossible to create an accurate representation, so Alien99 has to take a little poetic licence and resolve things as he sees fit. The result will be subtly different but no less amazing. The way forward here has to be to modify the interior of the dropship to fit since both the dropship and the APC will need to look "correct" from the outside when stood side by side.
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ASC McLaren: That is most elegant and cheapest solution;), but someone want to have steering axis of the wheels:rolleyes:.....Yeah THIS is the tuning and maybe I should leave this solution to the tunners:cool: ...make them do thing their way:p...less work for me :D
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What if you move only the wheels up and down? That is half way solution....OK lets take a break from the APC and focus back to the dropship :D

I found this pic on the internet in las few days and it helped me a lot....

How looks the front section of the APC hangar(bay) I finally know . I´ve rebuilded the model and ....there will be slightly different shape in the front section.


and then....I began to reshape the nose...8 hour of work and there is nothing to look at.. :D



And....a video capture of the whole thing

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I repaired the link to YouTube for you. Your perceptions between the different scales and inconsistencies of models used in production requires you to also use poetic license in your build. You have proven yourself in this department beyond any doubt, and this thread, with this kind of detail, is wonderful, a gift beyond words, a look into your thought process. Excellent! :)
...something from the APC box :rolleyes:


two versions of the wheel (the left one will be greater challenge):D


Rough shape of the carrier...


time between shooting of the last two pics is 3 hours....seriously kidding o_O

research of the movie prop photos, heat (33°C in the building without arconditioning), lassitude ...all is counting...UF ::dead:
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Thanks for the kudos but I used what Jan had to offer. Mine was done with the old plans but this one should be more enhanced and easier to follow. My version was 1/35 scale and with an interior. There were different versions of the model through out the web and I modified mine from three different versions.
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Re: Original vs. detailed wheels; make the "original" as is and simply (ha!) make a page with 15 separate panels for the sidewalls (×4) + the 60 tread panels (×4) + the hub covers as a 2 piece part : the cover and the detail "stripe" for people who want the layer the individual pieces.
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