Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

Wow!! The detailing is truly making it look less than a collection of huge PVC parts. Nice! :)
Ready For Prime

Well the back is finally done and I'm about to spray on the gray primer.


Once I see it in a uniform gray I will be better able to determine if it is detailed enough.
There was a time when I posted on at least 10 forums....

Now I'm down to five since Warseer and Cool Minis have gone belly up. What a shame.

There is plenty more detail/building that needs to be done.

The internal magazines, the cloister gardens, in fact all of the upper galleries have to be sheathed and detailed.

And don't forget the two main weapons still need their decorative shielding.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned the two "doors to nowhere ..." situated above the reactor cooling cores.

These will line up with the maintenance bridges when the titan is in the repair gantry.

Yeah, I've got a lot to do still.

I just need to put some paint on the finished parts to maintain my enthusiasm and sanity.
It's nice to see some color. It gives depth and shows detail. :)

I lost all my passwords and access to all my forums which is considerably attenuated since the beginning of this year.

This morning I finally got into Zealot and am able to post.

So here are the current images with paint primer

How many spray cans will you need? A couple of dozen is my guess![/quote]

I primed both lower leg shields with red primer and hardly used any of the can.

Both feet and the backs of the knee shield likewise.

The paint reveals building indiscretions which I'll chalk up to battle damage. Not at all that unusual for a machine that's millennia old.


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I am sorry that you had lost access to your different web forums. I know how that can be a P.I.T.A.. However, I am glad to see that you are back.
I am glad to see that you are at the point of painting. I am looking forward to seeing how it turns out.
Hmm, I don't think I deserve it but there seems like I've been missed over the past few months.

Thanks to all for keeping this tread alive.

Aside from the mishaps with my user name and password.

I had not the energy to post the current work when it really didn't show all the fine detail I was doing.

Tiny bit and pieces and cutting back areas in conflict with other pieces.

Earlier this week I bit the bullet and applied paint to the lower works; legs, feet, knee armour Etc.

What the hey; I also applied gold paint to the upper works...


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Please leave in the damage. A perfect model of this would be unworthy of all the effort you've done. It adds a realism that's needed.
Yes, we do miss seeing you here. You are a valued member of this forum. Your work is both interesting and inspiring. You have been doing an ABSOLUTELY AMAZING JOB on this project! The work, time, effort and energy that you are putting into this, is simply mind-blowing!
I (for one) am greatly enjoying seeing the progression of this project. Yes, I want to see how it turns out but as the same time, I am also looking forward to seeing what all you are going to to do next with this project.
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Occasionally I get in the doldrums and wonder if this thing will ever be completed.

But then something like today happens where I seemingly can do no wrong.

I started out to see where I could go as far as making windows for the bastions.

I did a google search for stained glass windows and ended up with these.

A bit of resizing with my antique photo editing program

And Walla (sic) stained glass windows reinforced with clear packing tape and we're in business.

Martini time!


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Geez, it's been two months since I last posted.

I look at this thing and wonder when I'll be able to find the time to work in it again

But yesterday I bit the bullet and began masking the citadel four corner bastions

I'm rather disappointed in the leg armour

It looks cartoonish. Perhaps when I add the washes

Rignt now it looks like a giant version of the alpha knights

Anyway here's some images to... Images are too large, maybe later


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