F1 race car cardstock model

You did a FANTASTIC JOB on this project! Your scratch building skills are MOST IMPRESSIVE!
Scratch building models is what started me on my paper/cardstock model building journey. When I was 13, I scratch built a Colonial Viper using cigarette cartons. I then started building Federation Starships (the first one being the U.S.S. Reliant). It was not until I moved to Eastern Europe (to conduct private contract work), that I started building paper/cardstock model template and working with different designers (like @Revell-Fan) as a beta test builder.

I too would like to see paper/cardstock model building (as a whole) become more prevalent here in the US (like it is in Europe).
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Paper and card modeling is what brought me to this forum. I think it was the Thunderfighter from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century that I saw and wanted. Now I just have to get my printer replaced, so I can build it again.
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Reactions: Rhaven Blaack
The model looks great, but those tires! They look like they've done a few laps. Great texture on the tires. ;)
I've watched Formula One since I was fourteen (I'm now 53!) your shape reminds me of the Jordan F1 Team of old...

Nice colour scheme, a sure-fire constructers championship winner you've got there
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I've watched Formula One since I was fourteen (I'm now 53!) your shape reminds me of the Jordan F1 Team of old...

Nice colour scheme, a sure-fire constructers championship winner you've got there
Thank you so much brother, I definitely had fun building it!
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Reactions: Chuffy70
That model hearkens back to the era when F1 cars made sense. Now they are overweight pigs, and FIA is corrupt. IMHO.

Nice model!! :)