Hello everyone


New Member
Jul 10, 2024
Hello, I'm looking forward to participating on this forum with all of you. I have been doing papercraft since I was younger with my dad, although we did more simplistic models than I prefer to work on now. I mainly enjoy making sci-fi and star wars models of ships but have made some other types of models. I've mostly worked with designs by uhu02, who I'm sure some of you are aware of and am perpetually amazed by his skill in designing and creating flawless looking models. I've made his TIE interceptor, millennium falcon cockpit, 2001 moonbus, Argo ship (my favorite), and most recently I finished his Viper model. I'm also partway through his Apollo lander but that is a more long term project that I've worked on sporadically as it is quite daunting. I'm looking forward to seeing/making some of the models by members here and am hoping to start to learn how to make some models of my own as opposed to just making those of others. I've attached some pictures of my more recent projects and intend on starting a build thread when I decide what I want to work on next, I'm thinking uhu's X-wing model, but I am starting a new job soon and won't have as much time as I do now. Looking forward to this as I've never been on a forum or known people who make these types of models before and maybe learning new techniques.



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Hello Tippymac,

Please let me be the first one to welcome you to Zealot! I am glad to see that you joined the forum! You have come to the right place for all things paper (as well as other mediums). Many of our members are HUGE SCI-FI geeks (myself included). SO, I hope that will help you feel more at home here.

Yes, several of our members are GREAT DESIGNERS (many of them are master designers). Please feel free to reach out to them, they will be willing to help you. You can start out with a general (open forum) question in the General Card Modeling section. That way, the right designer can answer the questions that you have.

Thank you for sharing the photo of the projects that you have made! They look AMAZING!

When you start a new project, I would like to invite you to post a build thread. Build threads are a great way of show off your work and skills. Not only that, but if you run into an issue with a model you can highlight the area that you are having problems with and we can offer you some suggestions on how to deal with them.

So, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, need help or advice. Please feel free to ask and we will do what we can to help you (or at least point you in the right direction).

Once again, welcome aboard. I hope that you enjoy yourself here and feel at home. I look forward to seeing your work.
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Welcome Aboard!
Here at Zealot we love models, and talking about them. Those are some great looking models you have there, and I'm sure you'll love it here.

Have fun, ask questions, we all love to help each other.

Great to see that you have managed to join. Welcome to the forum! :)

The models look awesome! Many members here are model designers, myself included. Everyone has a unique workflow and preferences but the basic principles are all the same. My weapons of choice are SketchUp, Gimp and CorelDraw. @mijob is using his brain, ruler, a steady hand and maths. I don't know how @Tonino does it ( :biggrin: ) and others apparently use a shrinkray device (I'm still looking for that one in particular; I'm preparing a special report on my findings ;) ). No matter which tools you use and how you do it, it is the result that counts. :)

Take a look around, build models from different designers first to see how they solve certain problems and how the parts are broken up. This will help you design your own templates.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work!

Have fun and enjoy! :)
Hello Tippy,

Great to see you here. You havf build a nice collection of models they are looking great.
My first model was UHU's Tir Interceptor from there I started to build my own models. After a while I designed my own sphere with lots of details on it. I mostly design Imperial models. Please feel free to ask anything.
Welcome to Zealot Tippymac!!! A very nice collection of models you have there. It's nice to have an experienced modeler join. Sharing knowledge makes for a great forum. Welcome!! :)
Hi Tippy,
I'm sure you will experience a lot of positive feedback here. I was already in love with card models but, since I discovered this forum and the really great friends who are here my building joy has raised to the stars. I was, like you, amazed by the design skills by UHU02, the first paper models I saw that didn't seemed to be made with paper. The first (and only... so far) UHU I built was the LM and, as you too are planning to build it, you can have a look to my build thread, here at Zealot, maybe you can avoid some pitfalls or take the inspiration to enhance the model. I realized also an upgrade kit that you can find in the resource section.

Regarding the art of creating your own models I can share my little experience. I found easier to realize new models starting from an existing one, taking just the essential shapes and adding more and more details to enhance the model until satisfied. This is not a true "build from scratch" process but gives you a lot of satisfaction, especially if you, like me, don't have any knowledge in 3D design. I realize all my custom parts in CorelDraw using my imagination to guess how the parts will be combined in the real world and then is all a matter of try-and-adjust.

Anyway feel free to ask anything, anytime. Here is a lot of wonderful people waiting to help.

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I started the same way as Tonino describes. I first build UHU's Tie Interceptor then I did a recoller on it. My third model was designing Tie Fighter wings and add them on uhu's sphere. My next modeol was the Tie advance X1 still with the same sphere. After that I designed my first three own models Tie Striker, Tie Bomber and the Tie Phantom. When I looked at all my uhu spheres I was not happy how they looked and I designed my own sphere and added more details on it. That was my Tie Raptor. When I looked at uhu's interceptor and compared it with the studio model I noticed lot off difference between the two models and I decided to upgrade it with my own parts and I did a complete redesign on the Interceptor. You can check my postings to see my progress and I live the learning curve.

As Tonino mentioned if you have any question please feel free to ask.
Hi Tippy,
I'm sure you will experience a lot of positive feedback here. I was already in love with card models but, since I discovered this forum and the really great friends who are here my building joy has raised to the stars. I was, like you, amazed by the design skills by UHU02, the first paper models I saw that didn't seemed to be made with paper. The first (and only... so far) UHU I built was the LM and, as you too are planning to build it, you can have a look to my build thread, here at Zealot, maybe you can avoid some pitfalls or take the inspiration to enhance the model. I realized also an upgrade kit that you can find in the resource section.

Regarding the art of creating your own models I can share my little experience. I found easier to realize new models starting from an existing one, taking just the essential shapes and adding more and more details to enhance the model until satisfied. This is not a true "build from scratch" process but gives you a lot of satisfaction, especially if you, like me, don't have any knowledge in 3D design. I realize all my custom parts in CorelDraw using my imagination to guess how the parts will be combined in the real world and then is all a matter of try-and-adjust.

Anyway feel free to ask anything, anytime. Here is a lot of wonderful people waiting to help.

Took a look at your thread, you did a great job. I'm happy with mine so far but yours definitely looks cleaner than mine. I attempted the model initially when I didn't have as much experience with builds like this and am somewhat unhappy with some of my work and I think I would've done a better job now. You gave some good tips I'll definitely implement, especially once I get to the support struts/cage, which I am the most intimidated by out of anything in this build.
Here is another suggestion (this pertains to everything that you build). If you wish to augment a model template (by turning printed texture into physical texture). Start out with building the models "as-is". This will allow you to figure out exactly how everything goes together, what and how you want to augment and what kind of room you are dealing with (especially if you wish to recess certain textures). Then go through and rebuild the model with all of the augmentation (greebling) that you wish to do.
Here is another suggestion (this pertains to everything that you build). If you wish to augment a model template (by turning printed texture into physical texture). Start out with building the models "as-is". This will allow you to figure out exactly how everything goes together, what and how you want to augment and what kind of room you are dealing with (especially if you wish to recess certain textures). Then go through and rebuild the model with all of the augmentation (greebling) that you wish to do.
Thank you, yes this and what @mijob mentioned about augmenting existing builds seems like a good stating place for the first time making my own model. I think I'll start to work on that project after I've completed the lunar lander. I'm still not 100% sure what I'd like to do but I'm thinking a Venator-class star destroyer as I really enjoy the ships from that era of star war. That also seems like a good starting point since there are lots of reference images, I'm sure many models existing, and it is mainly angular, not really any spheres or rounded sections. I also think there are good opportunities for greebling and other details, maybe some mini gunships/atte's to scale and possibly an interior hangar as I've always liked the way the top of the ship opens up to the hangar.
I have always thought that the Venator-class star destroyer was a rather interesting ship. It has a very unusual bridge system. I ever understood why there are "two" bridges (especially so very close together like they are. I can understand having a main bridge (up top) and an auxiliary bridge in the "middle" of the ship. However, having two side-by-side like that, is something that makes no sense to me at all.

However, with that being said, I wish you the very best of luck with both the design and build of it. I am looking forward to seeing how it turns out.