WH40K paper 30mm figurines


New Member
Dec 12, 2015
Sarajevo, Bosnia
Hello everybody.
I started few months ago making paper Space marines after I found great pdf templates with Ultramarines, Raven Guard and Chaos space marines here on Zealot.

Link for those files are posted at Armorman thread:


There were no instructions, so I had to manage myself by guessing how to assemble those parts.
After search I found short instructions by author on vk.com - Russian treasure chest for wh40k papercrat.



Those are photos of marines, terminator and chaos cultist I made for now, with Rhino-box modified Transporter for marines I want to put on it when not playing.


First of all, I'm using A4 160g paper and 1 mm thick cardboard for some pieces.

So these are pieces of Chaos Marine that I cut and colored edges with fibre pen:


After I finish my Rhino-box, I'll post here every step I made with those parts, so if someone catch something wrong or have better idea how to make it, response would be appreciated.
These look interesting! My son plays WH40K. I think that I will build him a few of these.
I will be following this thread!
Thank you for sharing this with us!
These look like fun!
I don't actually play WH40k too expensive for my blood, but using these I might build a small army in the future, and give it a go.

Thanks for sharing!
First of all, those are tools I'm using for making this marine


I started with head, I put on first picture golden horns, but didn't attached it as they are too much glowing on head, maybe later.
Inner head, that with eyes, should be wider then is on temlate so I didn't connect it on colored edge but leave white space. Outer head should be attached from back, and I put grid grilles as I'm making chaos marine. Collar is prepared and ready to attach on last step


Next is arm, so you have to determine angle of elbow and connect it.
I left hand detached as right position depends on how he will hold weapons and in which hand.

Next step is inner torso, so I connected upper legs with hip connectors. You can move and adjust legs later, depending of marine posture.


After that I attached belt and ass-plate on the marines back - ass, as there was empty space.


After that I made boots, I attached foot on it but it's better to leave it for end. Knee wasn't attached yet.


Here is the polduron, and with that we have most of body parts.


After this its time for Bolter rifle, I used 1mm cardboard to get bulky gun


Also with backpack

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Now we have all parts ready for joining together, and I also made stand from cardboard


First I attached arms on torso and put outer shield, then put head and collar on torso, then first attached hands on bolter then hands joined with arms


Then there is tricky part where you have to glue legs together and in that part you are making figure posture, and if you make mistake there you'll get awkward legs stand or something not natural. After that I attached knees and pulderons, backpack, and that is it.




If you notice something wrong or have better idea how to make this together, please give a feedback.
I like it! It looks GREAT! You did a good job with it! I will try my hand at it!
Thank you for sharing this with us!

Thanks, I hope your son will enjoy playing with models you make.
And yes, if your son playing real WH40K boardgame, you have to take in mind that one squad have 10 individual models :)
Yes, he plays the real board game. He has three different armies. He also enjoys building and painting the vehicles and figurines.
I hope that he will like the tank and figurines.
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Awesome. Thanks for the tutorial. this would have been helpful when I tried it. The models look great and I can't wait to see more of your army.