what kind of train is this??


New Member
Feb 17, 2008
hello train enthusiasts.

i am a university student in canada that is studying 3d modelling and animation. for my final project i was hoping to recreate a scene from a photograph. i wanted to know if anyone knew what kind of train this is: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi...nasse_1895.jpg

if it helps its from a train crash in Montparnasse, France in 1895.

if you know what kind of train it is, can you please help me find other pictures of that type of train (from different angles) and maybe (but unlikely) blueprints of said train?

thanks guys, keep rollin on the rails


Dec 10, 2006
An 2-4-0 would be a "Porter" type steam engine.If it's an 2-4-2 it would be a "Columbian"type engine.I can't tell for sure but it looks like a 2-4-0 to me.

From google
Translated version of http://www.histoire-en-ligne.com/article.php3?id_article=22&artsuite=1

The accident

Le 22 octobre 1895, eut lieu un accident hors du commun. On October 22, 1895, an accident took place out of the ordinary. Le Granville - Paris composé de douze wagons et qui transportait 131 passagers approchait de la gare Montparnasse. The Granville - Paris composed of twelve cars and carrying 131 passengers was approaching the Gare Montparnasse. Deux fourgons à bagages et un fourgon postal étaient couplés à la locomotive. Two vans luggage and a van were postal coupled with the locomotive.

Accident du 22/10/1895 Accident at 22/10/1895 Cette locomotive était conduite par un cheminot d’expérience Guillaume-Marie Pellerin qui travaillait depuis 19 ans aux chemins de fer. This locomotive was led by a railroad experience-Marie Guillaume Pellerin, who worked for 19 years for railways. Le train étant parti un peu en retard, il souhaitait arriver à l’heure à Montparnasse et de ce fait n’a pas ralenti suffisamment tôt. The train was party a little late, he wanted to arrive on time at Montparnasse and as a result has not slowed sufficiently. Le chef de train Albert Mariette et lui, se sont bien rendu compte de cela, mais il était trop tard : Mariette a bien essayé d’actionner le frein d’urgence Westinghouse, il n’a pas fonctionné. The train conductor Albert Mariette and he was well aware of this, but it was too late: Mariette has tried to initiate emergency braking Westinghouse, it did not work.

Il ne restait que les freins de la locomotive, ce n’était pas suffisant : la vitesse et le poids du train font que le convoi écrase les heurtoirs, traverse la gare, la terrasse, défonce le mur de façade et tombe sur la station de tramways située 10m en contrebas. It only remained that the brakes of the locomotive, it was not enough: the speed and weight of the train mean that the convoy crushes the heurtoirs, traverse the station, the terrace, trapping the front wall and fell onto the station trams located 10m below. La composition du train a fait que tous les wagons de voyageurs sont restés dans la gare. The composition of the train that all passenger cars remained in the station.

Il y eut seulement cinq blessés graves parmi les passagers du train : deux voyageurs, un pompier et les deux employés des chemins de fer. There were only five serious injuries among the passengers on the train: two passengers, one firefighter and two employees of the railways.

Malheureusement, la locomotive tomba près d’un kiosque à journaux installé devant la gare, rue de Rennes : une passante fut blessée et Marie-Augustine Aguilard qui ce jour là remplaçait son mari au kiosque, fut tuée par un morceau de maçonnerie tombé de la gare. Unfortunately, the locomotive fell near a newspaper kiosk installed in front of the station, rue de Rennes: a passband was injured and Marie-Augustine Aguilard that day who replaced her husband at the kiosk, was killed by a piece of masonry fell from the station.

La Société des Chemins de fer a payé son enterrement et versé une rente à ses deux enfants. The Society of Railways has paid his funeral and paid a pension to his two children. Le conducteur Pellerin a été condamné à deux mois d’emprisonnement et 50 francs d’amende. Pellerin The driver was sentenced to two months' imprisonment and a fine of 50 Swiss francs. Le chef de train Mariette à 25 francs d’amende. The train conductor Mariette to 25 francs fine.

La Nouvelle Gare New Station