TTRAK building #1



Here's a few pics of my newest scratchbuilt factory/bakery.


BBB is named after the newest member of our TTRAK/NTRAK group.


This pic shows both the boxcar loading doors and the truck loading doors.One of the boxcar doors (the far left one) will be open with a hilo and a couple of LPB's in the doorway.I haven't decided if one of the truck doors will be open or not.

If anyone is interested in the stats the building is 16" long 3 1/8" wide and 2" tall at the track,2 1/2" at the peak and 2 1/8" at the backdrop.

There should be a pic of the building with the roof roughed in but it weren't in da camera so I must not have taken one. :(


Robin,this one is actually for my TTRAK quad module.The one I'll do for the home layout(GVR) will be a heck of alot bigger than this one. :D


Here is a quick update on the bagel factory.I have the roof itself done and the three closed doors installed..


Left to do is rooftop ductwork a sign or two and the truckdock driving area.I am comtemplating adding on to the building on the right end with a semi building flat so I can model offices and other sorts of "stuff" :lol:

I hope to be posting pictures tomorrow of the building setting in place on the module.

OOPS! Still to come is the hilo and the LPBs in the doorway.


Here's the bagel bakery on it's module.There's still alot to be done but she's almost show worty. :D


The trucks in the pic above are the new Athearn's.

Here's a pic from the other end of the building.


The road to the left goes to a scrapyard (not yet modeled) on my buddy's module.

Still alot of detailing to do. :D