Timitus AKA Butterflyitus strikes again

Yes I will finish the Metcalf first but something else is coming up on the radar screen. While researching stuff for FLIP I remembered another unusual vessel. The only whaleback passenger steamer ever built the SS Christopher Columbus. She plied the Great Lakes from the 1890s into the '30 and is on of the most unusual vessels ever put into service



Active Member
Jan 17, 2004
Bristol, UK
Cool! I have an epidemic named after me!

Any other sufferers? I'm currently completely off on a tangent, researching the 79th Armoured Division for a load in my 1:72 scale LCT4. Now there's an ugly vessel.... Worse still, I am building it in polystyrene card; like card, but not made out of trees ( not strictly true, but the trees in question were squished into oil about 100 million years ago...) so I am a complete failure as far as this site is concerned!

So, get vaccinated! You don't want to end up like me, do you??!!

Tim P



you do have plans on that LCT4 right?

and worked out what the sheet layout is right?

and you have toyed with painting it in Photoshop right?

and you plan on releasing the LCT4 in paper right?
That is, if you want to live right?



Active Member
Mar 12, 2004
St Helehs, England
Hi tim

If you do put it out in card I would be well up for a copy.
I crewed the last LCT in sevice in the UK for a few weeks before she was sold.
After this the service used the RPL's, LCL and LSL's. Spent a few years on the LCL's and have a few scares on my knees from tripping in the elephants feet in the tank deck after a good night out :lol:

Card or not still worth a look :roll:




Active Member
Jan 25, 2004
Northern Bear Flag Republic

We ran out of the vaccine because the lab producing it in the U.K. was shut down due to contamination problems. Now you know the real reasons behind your continued and persistent disease.

Best regards, Gil

P.S. Must be the contaminated part the causes it..,


Active Member
Jan 17, 2004
Bristol, UK
In the imortal wordsof countless BBC childrens TV show presenters, 'Here is one I prepared earlier...' http://www.kipperboxes.co.uk/html/lct_mk_4.html

I'm still working up the big model, but I do have a Coreldraw file of the basic shapes in 1:200 if anyone wants a copy; as per the printed items on the web pages above. P/M me for more details.

Rick, you honey-tongued smooth-talker! You should be a politician!

Rob, more details please! I am using the plans from Traplet Publications of LCT1062, although ther were lots of variations among the LCT 4 family. There are good plans for the various US types available from www.floatingdrydock.com , in fact they supply loads of plans for US Navy vessels, and more!

Gil, does that mean new stocks will have to be prepared? From a weakened strain taken from a current sufferer of the fuul-blown disease? Like me? You willing to take that risk???!! No, didn't think so!!

Tim P (Nursing an inflamed sciatic nerve just now. Ouch.)


Tim, i try my best, and considering i work for a city government, i get alot of training......

But I rather see myself as a motivator, trying to motivate you to release the kit.



Active Member
Mar 12, 2004
St Helehs, England
Hi Tim

I will see if I still have the photos I clicked off as this was 25 years ago.
She was stuck down the side of Portsmouth Railway Station for ages before they let her go, a sad day all round :cry:
I might also have some drawings of some of the types of LCT

The LCL's that are still used now are not as good as the older LCT designs, the hulls do tend to crack right in front of the bridge if they are used in any weather over a force 6 storm. This I know as on a trip back from Norway we hit a force 8 storm and the hull started to split by the time we got to Portsmouth the split was over a foot long. They got round this by welding a plate to one side of the crack and bolting the other side down.
From that time on the Cheif could be seen out on deck with his little rule checking how far the crack had run :lol:

I will see what I have.




Active Member
Jan 18, 2004
Brisbane, Australia
I heard on our National Radio a story of an LCT.

After WW2 the Australian government was interested in setting up a scientific station at Heard Island - that's half way between South Africa and Australia at around 60 deg South Latitude. The only ship available was an LCT which had seen better days in the Pacific Islands. On the way down to Heard the huge seas caused the deck to crack. It was fixed by the plate method noted earlier except that the plate had to be fixed in 15 metre seas. Getting the bolts in was quite a trick. The LCT survived that trip.


Back to the topic, the ship at the top of the thread carried a total of 2.4 million passengers during her 43 years of service on the Great Lakes. Not bad for a day excursion steamer. But right now I'm having trouble finding a good source for ships plans and elevations. I do have a possible source at the Wisconsin Maritime Museum at Manitowoc Wisconsin but does any one know of an archival source for ships plans?
Thanks Jim. I will most likely be interested in the ship's appearance post 1900. I've got email inquiries out to the Bowling Green Archives on Great Lakes Shipping in Ohio and the Maritime Museum in Manitowoc WI about plans and elevations for both the CC and the SS Eastland. The single worst loss of life in any ship accident in US waters as far as I know. There must be something about Chicago, the fire (pales in comparision to the Pestigo fire that took place at the same time. Smoke from the Pestigo fire was visible in Chicago), the Iriquois Theater and the Eastland. Actually the Eastland was an accident waiting to happen. Poorly designed she had a tendency to list. And then she went in for modifications to increase her speed that reducd her draft. Over 800 people drowned within 50 feet of the dock :cry: :cry: :cry:

Just a thought I'm adding in. COuld it be possible for Ron to add a links page that people could submit reference sites for those doing research. I have to admit all too often I try and limit my Google, Dogpile, Yahoo and MSN searches to specific areas and I like every body els gets too many unrelated sites. Of course it could be my search methods :roll: :roll:

Jim Krauzlis

Active Member
Sep 26, 2005
Copiague, Long Island, New York
Hi, Mark:

Yes, there are apparently a few memorials around New York, one at the Trinity Luthern Church in Middle Village, Queens, and another at Thompkins Square Park, Manhattan, the two I am aware of. And there is a General Slocum Memorial Society that honors the victims each year.

I had heard of this incident a few years ago, but only recently read a few articles and saw a program on I believe the History Channel around the anniversary date this year...that was the first time I had a better understanding of the tragedy.
