The Valley Forge...sorta


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2010
New York, NY
So, one of my favorite sci fi starships, I just realized. is the Valley Forge from Silent Running. For those of you who have not seen it; it's like Wall-E except almost everyone dies and the earth's screwed.

Anyway, I've always wanted to make my own model of the Valley Forge, and since I'm too prideful and too crappy to build Uhu's version, I decided to screw off my own design, which is much more simplified and depicts the ship in its commercial configuration, i.e. without the greenhouses. This is partly because I wanted to build the ship in its commercial configuration, and partly because I'm feeling out of sorts and just don't want to do the goddamn greenhouses.

Anyway have a pic of the one-page thing.
