the little things



Seeing as how the "how complete is your layout" thread has resurfaced, and that most of us are at a low state of completion :D, I thought it may be fun to create a thread of little tips or advice we have learned over the years that can go a long way towards adding realism to our layouts. I'm talking about simple, cheap things nearly eveyone can accomplish, but once done, make the layout look much more realistic. the "a little goes a long way" cliche applies here. I'll start:

Placing ties underneath the joints in flextrack. You may only have benchwork and track on cork - but gaps in the ties really stand out. I've had pletny of layouts not even reach the ballast stage, but one thing I have learned is that placing ties underneath the flextrack instantly makes the trackwork look a thousand times better - and it takes so little time or money. Just cut the spike heads off the ties you remove from the end of the track, and slide them under the joint.

who is next with another piece of advice?



New Member
Dec 29, 2006
Other Post to The Gauge

stripes said:
How about painting the ties! I paint and weather them too!

There are quite a few primers on the forum here but I did not remember to link them. Some folks here have taken photos of their ballast work and various techniques. All in all GOOD STUFF. Esp. for newbees! Then along with ballast you have to get into what type of track selection you want to purchase. So many details so little time....



good thinking, Ralph. Poles follow nearly every mainline yet you see them on very few layouts. And power poles are all over cities and towns, and very few layouts have them.
