Thank You!


Feb 14, 2006
I just wanted to say that since my return to the model community You folks have been the so kind and generous. The outpouring of help has been priceless. I know I left the hobby with several projects unfinished. For that I'm very sorry. Life and death got in the way. I want you all to know I am committed to producing new and finishing old projects as time permits. I started doing this for my son and his boy scout troop many moons ago so that the boys who could not afford models could have access to them free of charge. It is my intention to continue on now with the same design/build philosophy applied to the community as a whole. Seeing the response to the gentleman whose wife has been stricken by cancer has shown me You folks are the real deal and also inspired me to write my thoughts out today,( I was moved to tears and prayer). This forum does feel like home.

Thank You so very much and I promise to be a good neighbor!
You already are! Thank you for being here.

To many exciting and fun projects and a great time in the forums!

I know that I speak for many here when I say that we are all glad to have to back. You have been sorely missed.
I know how real life can throw a HUGE spanner into the cogworks and royally mess things up and fully understand that certain things have to take a side (or in some cases a back) seat (like hobbies). SO, if you have to take care of something that "LIFE" throws at you, we are always going to be here to welcome you back.
With that being said, I look forward to seeing what need things you come up with!
It's a member driven forum, and we have the best members. ;)