long overdue introduction


New Member
Mar 13, 2008
Carmichaels, Pennsylvania. USA
My name is Joe, In a way I'm not new. I first registered here back in 2008, just have never been a very active member. When it comes to hobbies, I jump to what puts a burr in my butt and at a moments notice. today maybe a paper Sulaco, tomorrow maybe a Revell 1969 Nova plasic model kit. seems like I have all started projects and nothing finished, lol.
I have quite a few interests, when it comes to card models I really enjoy Science Fiction and Real Space space craft, mainly "Battlestar Galactica" TOS and the reimagined series, "Star Wars", "Serenity", "Space 1999" and NASA Space Shuttles.
When it comes to Plastic scale models, I've always enjoyed 60's-70's Muscle cars.
I've also always been into RC cars, as of the mid 80's starting with a Tamiya Blackfoot to the point today that I play with a 1/5 Scale HPI Baja 5T.
My other interests include WWI, WWII era aircraft, just never got into building any scale models of any though. about once every 2 years I travel approx 5 hours to visit the United States Airforce Museum in Dayton Ohio. Anybody that's never been there, I highly recomend it, one of those places you should have to see at least once in your lifetime.

I'm always interested in seeing other hobbyists builds, just amazes me with the talent of what folks can do, and always inspires me to try and be better at what I do.


Hey Joe, I heard you were back in town

Back in town to build some models, you caught yourself looking around, lookin' around town.

Well, Hey Joe? Where you going to now, I said goin' to know now?

I hope you gonna be hanging around here, poking your head showin' yourself, showin' yourself round.! :) Welcome back!

Rhaven Blaack

Staff member
Jun 12, 2009
Hello Joe,

Welcome back to the forum. It is good to have many interests (life never gets dull then.) You are definitely in the right place to peek all of the interests that you mentioned. As you can see, we have something for everyone.

Once again welcome back and I hope that you stay longer and even post some of your builds.

I look forward to seeing your work.