January E-Mag Deadline Looming


Now I'm AMP'd
Jun 18, 2002
Torrington, Ct.
The deadline for the January issue of the Gauge E-Mag is almost upon us. December 12th. Though articles for this months issue have been picked, (first recieved, first used)we still need a Product Review, a story for Crew Quarters and some more pics for the Railfanning section.
Don't fret, two articles for Febuary's issue have been recieved.And anything after December 12th will be used. As Promised, everything I get, will be used in future issues. No one will be refused!
I'd like to thank NGauger, for being the liason, and getting the use of the Gauge server(just the covers will be posted at Yahoo, with a link here, More bandwidth), Peter for the use of the server, spitfire, for graphicaly(sp) designing January's issue, I think you'll all like it. And all those who sent submissions.
Start sending your work, others besides us on the Gauge will be able to see it.
Thank-you all!
(Ed)itor Gauge e-Mag