im writing a book! anybody interested in a lil bit of art?


the human lazor
May 18, 2011
in a bees nest
hi! thought id tell you all that im writing a book!
havent got much done but ive got a few things ready. sort of a rip off of some things that have already come out
its a mix of lego exoforce, halo, lil bit of other games.
wanting a few things though
1 more ideas. got some charecters ready but not all
i need an enemy, general kind of guy. but he/she must be a robot (they are called barcs!) other enemeys
a cover
im a terrible artist when it comes to mechs and colour in total.
can somebody help. ill post a sneek peek(first chapter) when its done.
just another thing i do in my spare time i thought id share
So how is the book writing going? I love science fiction books and what you described sounds like it will be a good read when it is done.

Meh. Not much is done. What i didnt expect was the day after that post, a milllion assignments got shot at me. Ive got a full 2 weeks ahead that are free so maybe i might get it started. Not even sure ill finnish it but books take time.
I am eagerly awaiting for the chapters which you were going to post here... Good luck for your book