I'm new here!


New Member
Feb 6, 2012
Hi Guys,

Hope to see you around! I'm so excited to get connected to everyone and talk about what we like the most.

:welcome1: to the forum. I hope you have much fun and joy here! :)
Two the both of you, welcome aboard and enjoy what the site has to offer. Whatever it is that you are interested in, start a thread and post some photos of your endeavors. Hope to see some of your works soon. See you all around the forums.:wave:

I would love to welcome you, but I'm also new :D nice to meet you

Well, to the three of you, Welcome aboard. post some more comments and access the freebies. Choose your niche and post your builds here. We love photos and sharing in our marveleous paper folding, cutting and gluing hobby. Also, check out the links and who knows, something will jump out and peak your interest. See you all around the forums. :wave:sign1:wave:
Hy everyone, I'm new here too. I love modeling but until one month ago, I only did plastic kits. Then I found out the amazing things people can do from paper, and I hooked up on paper modeling. I'd like to thank everyone in this site who posts their builds, because I could learn lots of tips from everything.
Hubo, and anyone else just joining, make a post in your own "Introductions" thread, so we can great you properly!!