Housatonic & Cayuga RR Announcement

Dave Flinn

Dec 26, 2000
Lansing, NY USA
While the plans for the mainline (in HO) of the Housatonic & Cayuga Railroad remain solicly ensconced in the mind of its Chief Ferroequinologist, the "Brass" of the road is proud to announce the establishment of the "Nowhere" (for N) Branch. This consists of two concentric ovals of track, on which two trains are running as I write. On the "Outer Loop" is New Haven RDC-1 #20 busily transporting passengers from Nowhere to Nowhere (as opposed to the two termini of the main line, Somewhere and Elsewhere). Meanwhile, the inner loop is host to New Haven RS-3 #553 pulling New Haven Caboose C-501 and sometimes New Haven Boxcar 31089 (when it doesn't derail -- I think it needs more weight). Maybe, one of these days, the line will be expanded to Anywhere. It's nice to have something running!