Help with kitbashing a tunnel portal

Richard Gude

New Member
May 31, 2005
I have built several tunnel portals for my layout. They are primarily double track and are on curves so must be wider than normal. I made them to look like they had been made from poured concrete, but I would really prefer they be made from stone. I considered kit bashing but the curvature of the tunnel mouth would be wrong. I can apply stone “paper” to the face but the inner edge would be wrong. The inner edge of the front face should have a series of stones that follow the curvature with a “key” stone at the top. I tried to take some Plastruct rock wall material and cut one row of stones and tried to bend them around the curvature but even cutting between the seams did not work satisfactorily. If I make one, I will cut a thin sheet of styrene the shape of the tunnel portal and create the stone portal face on the workbench and then glue it to the existing portal face. I will then take "stone and apply it to the inside of the mouth to cover the seam.

Has anyone solved the tunnel portal kit bash problem? Thanks, rhg