Collier’s Ferry Rocket (1952)


Designer Extraordinaire
Oct 5, 2006
Turin (Italy)
I don’t know if it is the right place, here. Indeed the subject could seem fictional, but in realty it’s at the roots of the modern spaceflight.

When I was looking for documentation about my project TWA Moonliner , I was fascinated by the story I found here ( The Great 1952 Space Program That Almost Was ).
In short, a group of experts was gathered for describe a way to conquer the space soon. The project started from the concern about the military use of the space, but it was focused on the peaceful use of the space on the terrestrial orbit, the Moon and Mars.

This could be an interesting science fiction tale, but the interesting part of the project was that they would like to define a way to go to space, Moon and Mars with the available technological knowledge at that moment.

Von Braun was involved, and he said: “Speculations regarding the future technical developments have been carefully avoided. While the [Collier’s] designs may be a far cry from what Mars ships some thirty or forty years from now will actually look like, this approach will serve a worthwhile purpose. If we can show how a Mars ship could conceivably be built on the basis of what we know now, we can safely deduce that actual designs of the future can only be superior. Only by stubborn adherence to the engineering solutions based exclusively on scientific knowledge available today, and by strict avoidance of any speculations concerning future discoveries, can we bring proof that this fabulous venture is fundamentally feasible.”

The excerpts of the symposium were published between March 22, 1952 through April 30, 1954 by the monthly magazine Collier’s, and are available here .

I was ever fascinated by the illustrations of Chesley Bonestell and Rolf Klep, in particular the Ferry Rocket depicted by Klep, that was also the first step needed for conquer the space. Here some illustrations:

Space age poster ( )

Assembly of Three-stage Space Vehicle by Rolf Klep( )

Von Braun and Ferry Rocket ( )

Ferry Rocket ( )

In the Jonathan Leslie site there is a model of the third stage (the “shuttle”), but I would like to build the entire stack. So I decided to design my own model after I found here some good drawing of it.
I choose the 1/300 scale, for the concern about the home space, and first I had to decide how to design the pattern of the engines on the first and second stage, and some other detail such the thickness (i like to use 160gsm paper ). Here an example of the excel sheet that I usually use for this purpose.


Here the first rough attempt to depict the first stage with the 51 engines.


More work on the stage


The first unfold


Building the first prototype





More to come.
Best, Nando :)
Your work and workmanship is always so clean and perfect. This is sure to be a beauty!! ;)
Wow, your Renders look just like your model, and your model is coming along greatly! :)
Thanks Revel -Fan and Zathros for your interest.

The next step is the third stage: the reusable one, the first concept of a shuttle. About reusability, also the first and second stage should have been recoverable using a sort of metallic parachute.

Here some picture of the design process.


Just a note: It seems that I’m proceeding fast, very fast, with the designing and prototyping phase of this project, but it is a false impression. This project started long time ago, and with my sluggish rhythm I did some work slowly, very slowly. Now, when I can say to my self that the project surmounted the feasibility phase, I’d like to share the last steps. Stay tuned.

Best, Nando :)
This is AMAZING! You are doing a FANTASTIC JOB on this project! I am following this thread. I am looking forward to seeing how it will turn out!
Nando, your work will stand the test of time as long as the Internet exists, and beyond, with every person who manages to get copies of your work. You have immortalized yourself, and for every person who ever reads your posts, will get to know the kind person behind all this work. Es un Bendición. ;)
Thanks to all for the interest.

After that my design of the third stage was satisfactory about the shape, I tried to do a color test, to see how the texture could render and which solution would I apply to the entire stack.

Here the first test in Inkscape …


… and here the first test build


On the stack


The wings


And the prototype at good stage of completion


To be continue ….
Thanks for your kind comments. I hope you’ll enjoy my model, if I could complete it! :(

At this point, with the prototyping phase almost completed, I can start to finalize the version of each part, experimenting the better way to render the patterns of colors.

I decided to start from the bottom to the top, so I began from the MLP. I would like to reproduce the base as depicted in the Klep’s illustration, but giving some weathered aspect. The rest of the rocket never flew. ;)

The first attempts, looking for a way to do in Inkscape a weathered effect, are very ugly, so I discarded them.


Then I choose an image of the top of the true MLP and I corrected and adapted it in Gimp. Then I “clipped” it in Inkscape. This time the result was acceptable. So I started to build the MLP.




But the platform could have be bare without any detail that could give the sense of the “real” dimensions.

So I thought to reproduce the tail-masts of the Saturn era, some worker who walks around, and a touch of color with two containers.





A dry fit


Now the base is complete!


That’s all for now. I’m working on the first stage.

Stay tuned.

Best, Nando :)
It's so clean, it looks like a Photoshop!! Fantastic Nando!! :)