Anyone here know anything about Vasovagal Syncope?


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Jul 12, 2012
Shannon GA
I spent all yesterday, and last night in the hospital due to this, and all the Dr's told me was "if it happens again, call 911"
There has to be a treatment, or a lifestyle change that can offset this.
Oh my, I hope you are feeling better now. A sudden blackout may may be caused by stress, fear, shock, or probably issues with your heart or your organ of balance. So without knowing why you had it it is extremely difficult to say what to do - other than to call 911 if it happens again.
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Sorry to hear about you being in the hospital. Hope you're doing better. Did they tell you what caused it in the first place?
They seem to think stress, and my donating plasma combined. Since I can't help the stress involved in being stuck in California, I'll have to cut back on plasma donations.
Oh my, I hope you are feeling better now. A sudden blackout may may be caused by stress, fear, shock, or probably issues with your heart or your organ of balance. So without knowing why you had it it is extremely difficult to say what to do - other than to call 911 if it happens again.
As I said above, most likely stress and low fluid levels.
They did a full workup, all the lab tests, and a couple different imaging tests, but all came back normal, except high potassium, and above average blood glucose, but neither high enough to warrant any kind of treatment.
It is the most common cause of fainting, and in reality, it usually doesn't point to anyting being bad. Make sure when you stand up, you give your blood pressure a chance to catch up. The biggest danger is that you could get hurt, and seriously if you fall and hit your head. You should be fine, but tale precautions. Don't wrap yourself in bubble wrap though. Having done a medical full exam was the right thing to do, and if it happes again, try to get to the emergency roomm as fast as possible, as blod gases fade away fast, but don't drive yourself!!! ;)
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My problem was, that it took me several hours, before I could even sit up. The poor EMT's had to pick all 283 lbs of me up off the floor and carry me to the gurney...
When you need to relax in such a situation, don't worry about the breathing, just try and extend the time between breathing in and out, without trying, meaning don't hold your breat, try to do it subconciously. My Kung Fu teacher taught me that at 15 years old. DDuring a Heart Stress test, I told my Cardiologist I could slow my heart down, he said, "Show me', 5 minutes later, he said "Stop!", "Jesus I'm trying to stress you're heart out and you're going the wrong direction". Afterwards, he asked me what technique I used, I explained it to him. He is still my Cardiologist and always remembers my name, and has time for me. ;)
What I was taught was probably a similar method, I was never as good at it as some, but I can calm my autonomic functions to the point that I can fool a polygraph. It's what I did to calm my mind while I was lying on the bathroom floor. Scared the holy hell out of me, and I knew that if I let it get ahead of me I'd be even worse.
When you need to relax in such a situation, don't worry about the breathing, just try and extend the time between breathing in and out, without trying, meaning don't hold your breat, try to do it subconciously. My Kung Fu teacher taught me that at 15 years old. DDuring a Heart Stress test, I told my Cardiologist I could slow my heart down, he said, "Show me', 5 minutes later, he said "Stop!", "Jesus I'm trying to stress you're heart out and you're going the wrong direction". Afterwards, he asked me what technique I used, I explained it to him. He is still my Cardiologist and always remembers my name, and has time for me. ;)
It's like a relaxation technique for your heart. Does it help with High Blood Pressure?
Depends, if the high blood pressure is brought on by stress, sitting still and relaxing and doing breathing excercises would help a lot. If it's a medical condition, you have to do what your doctor says to do, but relaxing when you have high blood pressure never exacerbates it, so yes, relaxing and chilling with some breathing exercises is always a good thing. :)