A New Category: Jan Rukr's Astro Racer and Independent Entries Builds


Staff member
Apr 5, 2013
Post your Astro Racer builds in theJan Rukr's Astro Racer and Independent Entries Section of the forum, they all go there****. This forum is strictly for Jan Rukr's work in regards to Astro Racers. Anyone wishing to add a subcategory for his other work, voice your opinion, and let's gt a consensus going.

Also, please, post any other suggestions and if they can be done, and have a consensus, we will try to accommodate within the confines of the forum's software. If you do not see your work there, send me a PM with a link WITH the URL to me,, Zathros, and I will move it to this section of the forum, A.S.A.Feasible. :)

If you go through the category section, you will see the name of the subsection, just click and the posts will become visible. Admin page was fighting with me today!

Actually, I did this as we may be getting more of his work, and wanted to leave room for it. ;)

Link to Heading: http://www.zealot.com/categories/jan-rukrs-astro-racer-and-independent-entries.690/

*****Direct Link to new section: http://www.zealot.com/forums/jan-rukrs-astro-racer-and-independent-entries.693/
