Recent content by ript73

  1. R

    Help with new layout

    One thing I may add is that I will have access to all sides, including the back "inside the L" shape. I plan on putting the whole thing on rolling casters so I can pull it away from the wall for access to the back.
  2. R

    Ebay item worth it? My wife has been looking for things to help start my train modeling career and found the above lot of items up for auction on ebay. With all that is included, it looks to...
  3. R

    Doors for Benchwork?

    Thanks for the pics, ezdays. That's a pretty slick setup. Gives me some good ideas for my benchwork. Hinges so you can get to the underneath easily is definately a plus.
  4. R

    Doors for Benchwork?

    Thanks for all the info. The size may be an issue for my HO Scale layout, but I may end up using one of the doors for my son's N-Scale layout.
  5. R

    Help with new layout

    Oh Wow! Thanks for taking the time to design that, TrainClown. This is exactly what I was looking for on what to do with my layout. I can't wait to get started and I will definately be posting up pictures of my progress. I like the idea of a river feeding into the coastline and adding the...
  6. R

    Doors for Benchwork?

    I've seen mention of using doors as your benchwork. I've got a couple of sliding closet doors about 4 x 7 that are hollow and wondering if they'd be good for benchwork or should I just stick to plywood?
  7. R

    Help with new layout

    Thanks for the link. I checked it out and have started the design. I've got my outside track layed. Still trying to figure out how to get some inside rails going.
  8. R

    Help with new layout

    Thanks for the input. The back of the L shaped layout is a brick wall, however from Doc Holliday's suggestion, I will be putting it on rolling casters so I can pull it away from the wall to get to the back. I only have one side of the room to work with, so doing the best I can. I've done some...
  9. R

    Help with new layout

    I've downloaded the Atlas RTS program and played around a bit. I've come up with the following for the start of a layout. If anyone can add to it or come up with a better way for what space I have to work with, it'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  10. R

    Help with new layout

    Thanks for the pic, Doc. I'd be really interested to see your track layout if you've got a picture of it. Thanks!
  11. R

    Help with new layout

    Thanks for the replies. I really like the idea of having it on rolling casters. I think I'm going to try that. Haven't even started building it or received any modeling stuff yet, so I've got along ways to go ;)
  12. R

    Help with new layout

    There are no doors or windows. This isn't an entire room, just a section of the basement that I can utilize the entire space I have pictured for the base of the model. The L wraps around the wall. Thanks!
  13. R

    Help with new layout

    Hello all. I had posted this pic as a reply to one of my posts in the HO scale forum before seeing that I should've posted it here instead. I'm a complete newbie to model railroads and after doing some searching and reading on these forums, I see alot of awesome designs and layouts that have...
  14. R

    Queston on getting started

    Here is the setup I have to work with. Can anyone suggest a good layout for this? The inside corner will be up against a concrete brick wall. Thanks!
  15. R

    Queston on getting started

    I would say the HO scale train set will be mostly for me. I live out in the boonies far far away from any big city, so going to a local hobby shop isn't really an option. I'll look to answers from you guys and gals ;) So here's another question. Is there any starter set out there that you...