Recent content by Janusz

  1. J

    Help deciding which Titanic

    Hola Geraldo Titanic Definitivamente Te recomiendo el modelo de JSC Es realmente muy bueno Buenos Graficos, Buenos colores y Un nivel de precision inigualable en relacion al precio. Definitivamente un buen modelo Saludos - Janusz
  2. J

    need help with polish trnaslation, GPM Zuikaku

    hello I am back from a sick leave so now I can follow where we last left Nastepnie skalpelem wycinamy otwory na windy (wydluz linii srodkowej obrysu), reflektory (cz69) I wiatrochron (cz.6). Next using a lancet we cut the elevator openings (along the medium line) spotlights (part 69)...
  3. J

    need help with polish trnaslation, GPM Zuikaku

    hello I am back from a sick leave so now I can follow where we last left Nastepnie skalpelem wycinamy otwory na windy (wydluz linii srodkowej obrysu), reflektory (cz69) I wiatrochron (cz.6). Next using a lancet we cut the elevator openings (along the medium line) spotlights (part 69)...
  4. J

    need help with polish trnaslation, GPM Zuikaku

    Ahoy Nastepnym etapem bedzie przygotowanie pokladu startowego. Next step is to prepare the starting (take off) deck. Elementy pokladu (gore I dol) naklejamy na tekture 1mm I wycinamy. We glue the elements of the deck (Top and bottom) on the 1 mm cardboard and then we cut them free...
  5. J

    need help with polish trnaslation, GPM Zuikaku

    Ahoy Nastepnym etapem bedzie przygotowanie pokladu startowego. Next step is to prepare the starting (take off) deck. Elementy pokladu (gore I dol) naklejamy na tekture 1mm I wycinamy. We glue the elements of the deck (Top and bottom) on the 1 mm cardboard and then we cut them free...
  6. J

    need help with polish trnaslation, GPM Zuikaku

    Hi Nastepnie odwracamy szkielet I naklejamy elem. Poszycia dna (cz.od D1 do D25). Next we turn over the model and we glue all the elements of the bottom (covering walls). Paski znajdujace sie w przedniej czesci kazdego elementu odcinamy I przyklejamy od spodu do polowy szerokosci paska...
  7. J

    need help with polish trnaslation, GPM Zuikaku

    Hi Nastepnie odwracamy szkielet I naklejamy elem. Poszycia dna (cz.od D1 do D25). Next we turn over the model and we glue all the elements of the bottom (covering walls). Paski znajdujace sie w przedniej czesci kazdego elementu odcinamy I przyklejamy od spodu do polowy szerokosci paska...
  8. J

    need help with polish trnaslation, GPM Zuikaku

    Hi Here comes the next part: Model mozna wykonac w wersji z opuszczanymi windami. The model can be built in a version with a movable elevators. W tym przypadku nalezy wyciac oznaczone miejsca w cz. P2A,P3A,P5,P6,P7 oraz W9a, W14c, W20c,W21c. In such a case we must cut out the marked...
  9. J

    need help with polish trnaslation, GPM Zuikaku

    Hi Here comes the next part: Model mozna wykonac w wersji z opuszczanymi windami. The model can be built in a version with a movable elevators. W tym przypadku nalezy wyciac oznaczone miejsca w cz. P2A,P3A,P5,P6,P7 oraz W9a, W14c, W20c,W21c. In such a case we must cut out the marked...
  10. J

    need help with polish trnaslation, GPM Zuikaku

    Hi Bernhard Here comes another drop of text: Obecnie naklejamy poklad hangarowy (cz.PH1,PH2,PH3 oraz spody) I poklad rufowy (cz.PR) – po uprzednim naklejeniu tych elem. Na tekture 1mm lub karton. Now we glue the hangar deck (parts PH¡, PH2, PH3 and the bottoms) and the stern deck...
  11. J

    need help with polish trnaslation, GPM Zuikaku

    Hi Bernhard Here comes another drop of text: Obecnie naklejamy poklad hangarowy (cz.PH1,PH2,PH3 oraz spody) I poklad rufowy (cz.PR) – po uprzednim naklejeniu tych elem. Na tekture 1mm lub karton. Now we glue the hangar deck (parts PH¡, PH2, PH3 and the bottoms) and the stern deck...
  12. J

    need help with polish trnaslation, GPM Zuikaku

    Hi Bernhard Here comes the next part: Budowe modelu rozpoczynamy od naklejenia wszystkich elementow szkieletu na tekture 1mm. The construction of the model we start by glueing all the formers (elements of model´s squeleton) on a 1mm cardboard. Po wyschnieciu elementy...
  13. J

    need help with polish trnaslation, GPM Zuikaku

    Hi Bernhard Here comes the next part: Budowe modelu rozpoczynamy od naklejenia wszystkich elementow szkieletu na tekture 1mm. The construction of the model we start by glueing all the formers (elements of model´s squeleton) on a 1mm cardboard. Po wyschnieciu elementy...
  14. J

    need help with polish trnaslation, GPM Zuikaku

    Hi Friend It is a pleasure to help You, I will be sending the translation part by part on a forum so maybe someone else can use it in case he or she wants to build the same model. Well here it goes: OPIS BUDOWY Description of the construction Uagi ogoine: General obseravations...
  15. J

    need help with polish trnaslation, GPM Zuikaku

    Hi Friend It is a pleasure to help You, I will be sending the translation part by part on a forum so maybe someone else can use it in case he or she wants to build the same model. Well here it goes: OPIS BUDOWY Description of the construction Uagi ogoine: General obseravations...